Our dirt bikes bring all the boys to the yard. Damn right, they're better than yours.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Hey, have you ever wondered what a blog written from the perspective of a band of fictional Dungeons and Dragons characters called "The Regulators" would sound like? Then, buddy, greys-deep.blogspot.com is for you. And in case you're too lazy to check, it sounds crazy. Like this latest entry, for example:

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Daring raid by unknown bandits - 10th of Melting
A band of unknown bandits broke into Mr. Koskin's barn overnight and made off with several of his penned sheep.
It isn't known who stole the animals, but lots of small humanoid footprints were spotted at the scene.
Mr. Koskin is asking for help in protecting his farm from these bandits. His family relies on their sheep for making fabric and providing food for the family.

I think 10th of Melting is a date.


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