Our dirt bikes bring all the boys to the yard. Damn right, they're better than yours.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Duh. So bored.

I just thought to myself, "You know what game doesn't play fair? Solitaire."
Sadly, this isn't a missive about losing love or rocky relationships, or even about a small spat. Or about being single, for that matter.
I really was just playing solitaire. Hooray. Beats the fuck out of opening envelopes. Someone pay attention to me.


Blogger mike w said...

Hi NEal.

9:12 PM

Blogger Neal Ozano said...

Hello. Thank you for paying attention to me. Would you like to join my Friendster list of friends? Or perhaps link me to your msn? THen we can discuss important things like ASL?.

8:25 PM


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