Our dirt bikes bring all the boys to the yard. Damn right, they're better than yours.

Thursday, August 31, 2006


This music video for Ok Go's "Here It Goes Again" came up today at what people who get up in the morning call "brunch," but what folks who get up at noon like me call "pre-breakfast," with Leah and Iris, who had stopped over in Toronto for a few hours en route to J school in Boston. While the song is nothing to get horny about, the choreography, as you can see, is awesome. And homemade, apparently. Anyhow, check out that roller-rink glide!

And good luck in Boston, Iris!

UPDATE: Apparently these guys are known for their choreographic abilities. Here's a "never-intended-for-release" video the band made in one of their member's backyards last year, which stormed YouTube last year. It even spawned a dance contest, which has accumulated some pretty good copycat numbers by bored teenagers across the world.



Blogger Alana said...

WOW! I think I'm going to have to bust out some of those moves next time I'm at the gym.

12:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wassup with all the j-school people? Didn't you hear during your time in the student press that you don't need it?
There are plenty of jobs available at Monster Mags, small prairie dailies, and press release services.
Still, good luck all.

12:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

is on the second line

11:57 PM


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