Our dirt bikes bring all the boys to the yard. Damn right, they're better than yours.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

you guys still here?

Huh. So it seems Kristine and I have kind of let this here blog fall to the wayside since we got back; sorry about that. I know that you all probably spent the last three days just sitting in front of your computer, staring at this page and hitting Refresh every five seconds, waiting with bated breath to hear what we think about things. Well, wait no longer. Here's what I think.

It's kind of nice to be back, I suppose; work is right back to being hectic and dumb, sure, but Edmonton's got a special quality to it that you sort of forget is even there until you're away from it for an extended period of time. Before I left, Edmonton was just plain boring. Now, everything seems surrounded by a kind of pitiful grandeur. I'm not sure if that's a step up or not. Also, it's just occurred to me now how completely fucking stupid it is that we have a giant, rotating aluminum baseball bat smack dab in the middle of Hookertown. Baseball? Baseball? Oh yeah... Edmonton's a huge baseball town. Just look how hard we all worked to save the stately Trappers from turning into beef-tongued, googly-eyed, oil-appreciating Cracker Cats. I mean, I would have understood a hockey stick. I wouldn't have liked it, but I would have understood it. Now I don't know what I understand anymore.

Also, it's Tuesday, and I still haven't managed to get back on Edmonton time. For the past three nights, my brain has been in Rome, where everything is eight hours later. By the early evening, my brain thinks it's bedtime--and no matter when I go to sleep, I've been waking up at 7:30 in the morning with this faint, eerie feeling that it's the middle of the afternoon and I shouldn't be lazing around. It's really odd. AND. INTERESTING.

Anyhow, Kristine and I have uploaded the photos to her computer, and if we can figure out how, will be totally posting them up here soon. And Kenny, I like your idea; we'll totally do that. And have you listened to any of those discs yet? The rest of you: hi. So, you guys like things, or what?