Our dirt bikes bring all the boys to the yard. Damn right, they're better than yours.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

something in French!

Uh, yeah. I hate to admit it, given my "heritage" and all, but Kristine is way better at French than I am now, so I'm not even going to try. Hohn honh honh! Je veux des chemises... avec le... vert... fuck.

Anyhow, hi! Been a while, I guess. Sorry about that; work's been pretty hectic for the last few weeks, and I just haven't really had the time. I'm starting to get the hang of things a little better right now--at least in that things suck slightly less than they did four issues ago--but this is still turning out to be a lot more work than I bargained for. It's nothing in particular, really; this week, Sean is taking some time off in Vancouver, so it was just Lyle and Mike doing all the production on a 64-page paper, which it turns out is near impossible, judging by our failing to have the paper at the printer's even by 9pm last night. And when production is behind, editorial slows down substantially, which resulted in my having to pull a very old-timey Gatewaysian long-haul shift on Tuesday, which saw me get into work at 10am and head home around 3am. Bleah. All told, I worked close to 40 hours in the first three days of this week, which clearly, is more than I'd like.

Ah well, if nothing else, at least all this extra work has paid off in my having moved up to a new jeans bracket. After my last pair of Gaps blew a hole right in the ass a couple months ago, I was all like 'fuck it,' and decided to start getting what I paid for. Just got back from Gravity Pope with a hot new pair of $280 Diesel Zathans under my arm, and to answer your question, yes, there is a little part in the back of my brain that screams at me for being retarded. But that part's getting smaller. You know, since I'm a millionaire now. Wait--millionaires are the ones that live in one-bedroom basement apartments, right? Okay good.

So yeah, today was nice; the internet at work was down when I got in, on account of the Telus strike, I imagine, so I just did one or two things and then turned right around and went back home. Chilled out for a bit, played some GTA, and then my mom picked me up to take me to my second appointment with the doctor about that nerve thing. He said that he had a look at those near two-dozen x-rays they took last week of my back, neck and chest--and the conclusion? Inconclusive.

The x-rays confirm that the second through fourth vertabrae in my neck are indeed pinching the nerves that go between them on the right hand side of my spine (which would explain why I first started feeling this thing in my right thigh, I guess), perhaps due to some mild arthritis, but he's not sure. So he asked his neurologist buddy, and he said he didn't really know what's up either... well, my doctor did mention that the neurologist said he might have thought it to be the onset of multiple sclerosis if I wasn't so young and in perfect health and I'm not showing other outward signs of MS, in that I'm not experiencing any neurological disruptions or loss of bladder control or incontinence. But yeah. Thanks for bringing up MS, there, pal. Puttin' my mind at ease. So at any rate, it's still probably no big deal, but they're going to run a few blood tests and throw me into an MRI machine sometime next week just to rule some things out.

So I'll keep you posted, y'all. And, uh, Go Oilers.